An Intimate Art: 12 Books of Hours for 2012
Books of Hours are probably the most famous of all medieval illuminated manuscripts. Presented here are twelve Books of Hours that date from the origins of the genre in the thirteenth century to its eclipse in the sixteenth century. Examples come from France, Italy and the Southern and Northern Netherlands and are by many notable artists, including Pietro da Pavia, Belbello da Pavia, the Master of Zweder van Culenburg, the Master of the Gold Scrolls, Willem Vrelant, Guillaume II le Roy and Jean Poyer.Certain major centres of production emerge with greater clarity: Paris, Rouen, Bruges, Tours and Lyon, among others.
Comparative photographs of manuscripts in institutions place these twelve Horae in their broader artistic and cultural contexts. An introductory essay by Christopher de Hamel explores how Books of Hours are very private books, very personal, very intimate, very tactile, each manuscript offering a captivating glimpse into the lives and preoccupations of their owners, then and now.
By Sandra Hindman and Ariane Bergeron-Foote
208 pages, 250 x 150 mm
Paperback, 108 colour illustrations
ISBN: 978 0 983854 63 0Published for Les Enluminures – Paris, Chicago and New York
Introduction by Christopher de Hamel
Christopher de Hamel is Donnelley Fellow Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.